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Installing Baun

Baun has the following minimum requirements:

  • Apache 2 with URL rewriting (mod_rewrite) or nginx
  • PHP 5.4+

Without SSH Access

Baun comes packaged with it’s own auto-installer. This means that the first time you try to load up Baun, it will automatically try and install the necessary composer packages. If this process fails, you will need to follow the “With SSH Access” install instructions below.

  1. Download the latest version of Baun
  2. Upload the files to your server (normally using FTP or some other deployment method)
  3. Make sure your virtual host points to the /public folder of Baun and not the root folder
  4. Point your browser to the install location and let the auto-installer run

If the auto-installer fails you can always run composer install on your local computer and upload the generated /vendor folder with the rest of your Baun install.

With SSH Access

Baun utilizes Composer to manage its dependencies. So, before installing Baun, you will need to make sure you have SSH access to your server and Composer installed on your server.

  1. Download the latest version of Baun
  2. Upload the files to your server (normally using FTP or some other deployment method)
  3. Login to your server using SSH
  4. Navigate to the installation location of Baun and run composer install
  5. Make sure your virtual host points to the /public folder of Baun and not the root folder


A quick video demonstrating how to install Baun on your local computer with MAMP Pro.

Setup Apache Virtual Host

If you use Apache you will need to setup a virtual host to point to the /public folder of Baun, and not the root folder. The process for doing this varies depending on your server but the actual virtual host should look like:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "/path/to/baun/public"
    <Directory "/path/to/baun/public">
        AllowOverride all

If you have any trouble doing this speak to your hosting provider and ask if they can set it up for you